I should be finishing up errands which include my summer internship search/financial aid/ getting my life in order...but instead I'm gonna make my inaugural post on ViewRoof (the amazing group blog idea, mike-o came up with)...
I know everyone else kept their first posts really short and to the point, but I'm going to have to buck the trend here a little because quite simply, that's not how my mind works. By nature I'm a long winded person (ask anyone who's lived in any of my dorms and I've tricked into a 2 hour conversation in the hall or lounge. Most often these conversations are about nothing (or EVERYTHING, depends on what kind of person you are)). But this nature has its pluses/minuses for example it has caused me to both:
- Never have a problem with meeting page minimums for papers, but at the same time causes me to pull a ridiculous amount of all nighters throughout the year
- Have a really hard time fitting my thoughts into 140 characters or less...after all some people are great at it ('sup @incanto!) and others suck (looks into mirror)
More generally this is the first time I've had the opportunity to formally introduce myself on the interwebs. My name is Kevin Jason, too many people call me Jason by accident (like the first name, not like an army recruit), some call me "Kevin Jason" fully like Jason is my middle name or something, so to make things easy you can call me KJ, but I also answer to Kev, Kevster, and Mr. Jason (if that's your thing).
I've found that my true (subtly awesome) personality is best displayed when I communicate through written words and its no surprise that people finally started figuring me out after I got a Sidekick and I was on AIM 24/7 (a shameful confession I know). Speaking of writing styles, I'm a big fan of parenthetical side notes (kind of similar to Paul Shirley, but happier and actually talented) and also ellipses (you're not alone Kwame).
This blog is a great idea because I realized that the four of us all have a bunch of crazy stories and philosophies on life. Also we are interesting in that we have that weird combination of humor, smarts, wit, and an attitude of "I don't care what you think, I know im ill". I don't know what this blog is going to cover, but I guarantee it will be a nice mix. I like to think im really diverse with my interests and I can tell you that the 6 things I talk about most in life are basketball, music, technology, economics/politics, girls and random pop culture. Interestingly Kwame, Rob, and Mike are respective masters in each of the first 3 topics (with each also dabbling in the other areas) and they can blow me out the water in that stuff...So that leaves economics/politics, girls, and random pop culture. I like to view the political stuff through an unorthodox lens so I won't be recapping CNN. But regardless I won't be talking about that stuff too often. A nice girl story will be discussed here and there, but I mostly shine on random stuff. If you haven't realized it from this post, my life is one random thought following another (often encased in parentheses) so I plan on thriving in my randomness...
See y'all later
P.S. if you understood that Paul Shirley reference, you read too much ESPN.com like me. If that's the case congrats, but you need to get a life...