"Without Further Ado"
Posted by Opus Dei
12:26 PM
Yesssirrr ... @Opus Dei24 aka
in the house ( WOOT WOOT!) but round these parts imma droppin the 24. So its Opus Dei or other times Opus. Hopefully you guys have all thrown out the garbage bags full of Coronas and Heinekens and picked the Grilled Corn out your front row...if not plz discontinue reading.
Otherwise Welcome to the World of Randomness , Where Hilarity ensues..
These other guys represent genius, sarcasm , and all that other fore founding fathers shit. Im simply random as hell with no regard so get used to it.
Oh! Oh! besides that I take Public Transportation like its no ones business so you already know if I start telling you about the time ...aah forget it i'll save that for the Next post
so ok Kiddos the Moral of todays Post... 1) Kwa aka Lil Hercules bka @OpusDei24 has an obession with ellipses (......) 2) Random is the the way of life and 3) Kobe for thrreeeeeeeee
Opus" You better read my well unorganized,random ass, nonsensical post or else"Dei24