The 12th Letter.
Posted by Ravishingly Me.
1:17 AM
First off shout out to Kwame aka OpusDei24. It's about time I put this post into fruition.
Over the last few weeks....I've attained a few L's. Seeing as how I'm a pretty damn honest guy...I'm gonna tell y'all how these L's unfolded.
I had a nice fish dinner.YUM!!!!!I wake up the next day...My lip feels a lil weird. NO BIGGIE! -puts ice on lip-
-wakes up-

SPLACKOW!!!!!!!! There is a pancake where the right side of my upper lip used to be.
So...I take my...Hitch lip to the doctor. First the doctor insults my intelligence because I misunderstood what he said "COME BACK FOR A HEARING TEST TOO". This bastard looked like Christopher Lloyd in "Back to the Future" with brown hair. I wanted to Ric Flair slap chop him in his throat for that slick shit he said. He gives me antibiotics....and cortisone pills. Really all I needed was the cortisone. The antibiotics...useless. There was no infection. It was an allergic reaction....bastard.
L Number TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I end up at a COCKFEST of a barbecue thanks to a Cuffer friend of mine....Sgt ___ you re a great guy. Now....I'm still knocking down antibiotics like i got that CLAP or something...so I cant drink. So I'm cold shower sober.....at a wack BBQ (food was serious business though). Being drunk wouldn't have made all them big joints sexy but...EH!
A big ass spider is running across my wall. nearly pissed myself.
That same week I go downstairs and almost walk face first into a spider bungee jumping in the basement. I think son tried to swing into my face like THIS IS FOR JO JO WE ROLL DEEP 30 BLOCK WEB GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......shook to go wash my clothes for a good couple of days.
So anytime you go...man LIFE SUCKS!....At least you didn't have a Rob Week.
-drinks bleach on the rocks-
Over the last few weeks....I've attained a few L's. Seeing as how I'm a pretty damn honest guy...I'm gonna tell y'all how these L's unfolded.
I had a nice fish dinner.YUM!!!!!I wake up the next day...My lip feels a lil weird. NO BIGGIE! -puts ice on lip-
-wakes up-
SPLACKOW!!!!!!!! There is a pancake where the right side of my upper lip used to be.
So...I take my...Hitch lip to the doctor. First the doctor insults my intelligence because I misunderstood what he said "COME BACK FOR A HEARING TEST TOO". This bastard looked like Christopher Lloyd in "Back to the Future" with brown hair. I wanted to Ric Flair slap chop him in his throat for that slick shit he said. He gives me antibiotics....and cortisone pills. Really all I needed was the cortisone. The antibiotics...useless. There was no infection. It was an allergic reaction....bastard.
L Number TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I end up at a COCKFEST of a barbecue thanks to a Cuffer friend of mine....Sgt ___ you re a great guy. Now....I'm still knocking down antibiotics like i got that CLAP or something...so I cant drink. So I'm cold shower sober.....at a wack BBQ (food was serious business though). Being drunk wouldn't have made all them big joints sexy but...EH!
A big ass spider is running across my wall. nearly pissed myself.
That same week I go downstairs and almost walk face first into a spider bungee jumping in the basement. I think son tried to swing into my face like THIS IS FOR JO JO WE ROLL DEEP 30 BLOCK WEB GANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......shook to go wash my clothes for a good couple of days.
So anytime you go...man LIFE SUCKS!....At least you didn't have a Rob Week.
-drinks bleach on the rocks-